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Lab’s latest news and random things


Jordan defended her honors thesis!

Nice job presenting your thesis work, Jordan! It was smooth and seemingly effortless :) All the best in your further research on human health. We will miss you!

Our lab is growing

We are excited to welcome Bharathi as a new member of our team. Lots of cool science ahead of us!


Blog post in PLOS Biologue

Our recent paper in PLOS Biology has been featured in the “Behind the Paper” series on PLOS Biologue. The story delves into the process of pursuing multiple hypotheses and features neon-colored images. You can read the article here https://tinyurl.com/yfy6d5t6.

Welcome, Jordan!

A biochemistry honors student, Jordan Perez, has joined us to work on her project. She will study how health depends on phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase function. Have fun Jordan!